GoAirheads Field Day: 02/23/25

GoAirheads Field Day: 02/23/25

Remember Field day back in Grade School? How much fun competing against your classmates was to come out ON TOP! Well, on 02/23/25 GoAirheads is bringing it BACK for one of the zaniest days of airsoft you’ll ever have!! This will be a friendly competition with ribbons handed out for each “event”. However unlike traditional… Continue Reading

Winter Swap Meet: 01/26/24

Winter Swap Meet: 01/26/24

Join us for our Winter Swap Meet on January 26th! Come buy, sell, or trade your used guns and gear from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM free of charge. GoAirheads will also sell our HUGE collection of unclaimed lost and found and several of our tech’s custom-built rifles. We ALSO will bring out our “boneyard”… Continue Reading

Top Shot “Skeet Shooting” Competition: 12/22/24

Top Shot “Skeet Shooting” Competition: 12/22/24

December 22nd, from 10am-3pm, join us for our “Skeet Shooting” Competition! This competition will be designed around high ROF guns AND accuracy while shooting at moving targets! It will test your target acquisition, adaptability, weapon manipulation, and handling skills! 1st Place gets a FREE $100 Gift Certificate to GoAirheads! The first try is free for… Continue Reading

Reindeer Games Tickets: 12/27/2024

Reindeer Games Tickets: 12/27/2024

As Christmas is soon approaching, don’t forget to come out to GoAirhead’s Reindeer Games special event! This will be on Friday, December 27th from 10am – 5pm. Purchase your tickets HERE During the Reindeer games, we will be playing UNIQUE Christmas-themed Airsoft games. These will be both BRAND NEW games, never before played at GoAirheads,… Continue Reading