Author Archives: Josh_GoAirheads

TOP SHOT “Rifle” Course Stage 1 of GOlympics Series – 9/22

TOP SHOT “Rifle” Course Stage 1 of GOlympics Series – 9/22

On September 22nd from 10am to 5pm anyone can stop by and compete in our Top Shot competition! For this competition we will run people through our course where they must accurately shoot targets while racing against the clock! At the end of their run, their score will be written down for ALL to see. At the end of the day whoever’s score is the highest will win a custom Swag Bundle from GoAirheads that includes a gift card, Hoodie, T-Shirt, Patches, Water Bottle, Pop-Socket and more! Entrance is $5 each with a maximum of 4 tries per person. Public Game players will be given a FREE try included with their entrance for the day.  Whoever is at the top of the leader board at 5pm that night will becomes GoAirheads Septemeber TOP SHOT and will win our Swag Package! This will be Stage 1 of 4 unique monthly stages which will all be brought together in January with our GOlympics event on 1/19/24!  Goodluck to all of you!

Fall Swap Meet – 9/29

Fall Swap Meet – 9/29

Join us for our Fall Swap Meet on September 29th! Come buy, sell, or trade your used guns and gear from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM free of charge. GoAirheads will also sell our HUGE collection of unclaimed lost and found and several of our tech’s custom-built rifles. We ALSO will bring out our “boneyard”… Continue Reading



GoAirheads is back to it’s summer time schedule of being open 6 days a week! This is every Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm all summer long! (Mondays we are completely closed). We will continue to have our Night Games every Friday and Saturday night from 6-11pm. Friday nights are for everyone 10 and older, while Saturday night is Adult Swim.… Continue Reading

Construction Incoming!

Construction Incoming!

We have some important news to share with you all! The Bad News: First, the “bad” news. Unfortuantely, Weld County is requiring us to do some major alterations to our facility to keep in compliance with their zoning standards. This is something we have been meeting with them since early in 2023. Due to this,… Continue Reading

[SOLD OUT!]Reindeer Games Tickets (12/29/23)

[SOLD OUT!]Reindeer Games Tickets (12/29/23)

As Christmas is soon approaching, don’t forget to come out to GoAirhead’s Reindeer Games special event! This will be on Friday, December 29th from 10am – 5pm. Purchase your tickets HERE During the Reindeer games, we will be playing UNIQUE Christmas-themed Airsoft games. These will be both BRAND NEW games, never before played at GoAirheads,… Continue Reading